University Mould Remediation Services


One of the UKs largest universities had a large water leak on their premises. Specifically within one of the anthropology and archaeology department’s storerooms where both human and animal bones were preserved. Whilst the Ideal Response team were conducting a site survey prior to any mould remediation services being carried out, it was noticed that some of the boxes and the bones themselves showed signs of mould due to the damp environment.

Not only were there significant mould remediation works for the storage room. Each storage box, including contents, would have to be carefully checked. If any mould was discovered, it would have to be carefully cleaned to ensure it didn’t return.

The Ideal Solution – Mould Remediation Service

Before works began in the store room, we sectioned off the room opposite to serve as a base of operations for the project. This space was used for both the Ideal Response team and representatives from the university to sort through the storage boxes and identifying which ones were contaminated. Both the non-contaminated bones and the cleaned bones were then carefully placed in new protective bags. Once bagged they were then labelled and boxed ready for storage.

Whilst the sorting of the boxes was underway, the racking within the storeroom was stripped out because it was too heavily contaminated. Once cleared of contents, the storeroom was treated with a four-stage mould remediation. This included:

  1. Technicians used industrial vacuums with HEPA filters, like the ones in the air scrubbing units to remove loose surface mould. This is done to reduce the likelihood of additional mould spores being released into the air.
  2. The second was to treat the affected surfaces by way of a wash-down using specially formulated solutions. The surface was agitated, removing any surface mould that remains after the HEPA vacuuming in step 1.
  3. One neat coat of our specially formulated fungicidal barrier was then applied by brush. This solution soaks into the surface where the mould is growing and kills the roots. At the same time, it forms a protective barrier to prevent further fungal growth.
  4. Finally, ULV or thermal fogging was applied within the affected area. This suppresses the remaining micro-organisms or airborne particles which significantly reduces the mould spore count to industry-leading safe levels.
BioSweep Ozone Treatment

Following the four-stage mould remediation process, a full BioSweep service was implemented. This is an extremely specialised service which provides complete air and surface decontamination for any environment. In fact, Ideal Response are one of only two companies in the UK who are accredited to deliver this service.

Finally, a specialist drying machine was setup in the storeroom. Ensuring the environment was completely dry before the storage boxes were put back in place.


The approach and efficiency from start to finish, meant that the project finished ahead of schedule and beyond the standard the client expected. Additional challenges were also identified and resolved during the mould remediation services. For example, the discovery of spider mites whilst cleaning and re-boxing the human remains.

What the client said:

“Can I say on behalf of everyone how impressed we were with the care, professional attitude and total respect shown by Bob and Sam and all others involved in the completion of this work…

… They are a credit to you and we could not have asked for a smoother experience with such respect shown for the sensitivity of the materials (bones) and their willingness to work with our staff as a team.

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