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The trauma associated with the discovery of a suicide, unattended death or crime scene can be overwhelming. This can result in significant personal distress and the need for reliable forensic cleaning.
The potential risks associated with such a scene are significant and cannot be ignored. Blood, bloodborne pathogens, disease and bodily fluids represent a potential threat to human health. These hazardous material and the potential risks to health and safety make a reputable forensic cleaning service essential.
They are to be dealt with according to the strictest possible standards. The threat of contamination extends to water that may have come into contact with human waste or bodily fluids, sharp items and objects within the vicinity of the scene.
At every point in the decontamination process, the strictest controls are applied to ensure that our forensic cleaners are protected. Each Ideal Response forensic cleaning technician is provided with the highest quality personal protective equipment (PPE). This ensures their safety throughout the forensic cleaning process. Keeping them protected from the various dangers present on the scene.
We utilise specialist disposal routes that ensure the removal affected items from the scene. We often place containers into secondary containers to ensure complete control over the contents. This is an effective means of minimising the risk of cross-contamination during the transportation of hazardous forensic materials.
This type of scene should only be attended by trained forensic cleaning specialists like ideal Response who within the strictest controls. Ideal Response forensic cleaning teams are on standby to deal with enquiries quickly, discretely and sensitively. We understand that these situation are extremely difficult and we approach each forensic cleaning service with the utmost care and respect.
Ideal Response customer service teams are available 24/7 and 365 days a year. With teams located throughout the UK we will have a forensic team with you ASAP once you have received your free estimate and booked your forensic cleaning service.
The potential risks associated with such a scene are significant and cannot be ignored. Blood, bloodborne pathogens and bodily fluids represent a potential threat to human health and as such can be dangerous.
The cost associated to forensic cleaning can vary depending on the area affected, the location of the property and dependent upon whether the situation is urgent or not. For an accurate quote, speak to our forensic cleaning experts today by calling us on 01622 926 505 or by submitting our free quote form.
The first stages of attending to a dead body require police and coroner involvement to take all necessary details of the scene. These initial steps entailing closing off a crime scene are to ensure the area is untouched before evidence is taken. The aftermath of cleaning up after a dead body is by a secondary response, a specialist forensic cleaning company.
If the person has passed away from natural causes, it is usually the responsibility of the home or business owner although these may potentially also be the next of kin.