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Hazardous Waste Cleaning, Call in the Professionals
According to COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health), hazardous substances are: "Those that are: Very Toxic, Toxic, Corrosive, Har...
Lithium Battery Recycling and Disposal
Lithium batteries are everywhere these days. It hasn’t always been like that though - experiments with lithium batteries were first conduc...
Potassium Chromate Hazards: Safe Handling & Disposal
Potassium chromate is an inorganic substance that needs to be handled with care. As you may have been able to work out, it is a potassium sa...
What is Bromine and What are the Safe Disposal and Recycling Methods?
Bromine is a chemical element that is one of 118 elements that appear on the periodic table. Bromine’s appearance in liquid form (in an am...